This was my second time with Tales; the first had been in a threesome where I already knew the other guy. Tales made such an incredible impression that day, and from the very first second, so I knew I had to get him alone.
The full Tales experience is one of the best I've had, and I won't be looking for other escorts in London again. Ever. Ever. He is stunning from head to toe. I want him all to myself haha.
But I guess Tales also needs to make a living, so here is what you want to know. The communication beforehand was attentive and excellent and clear. On arrival he is a superb host - unfailingly polite, making sure you are comfortable, absolutely delivering to the letter what I asked for (which rarely happens with others). His English is very good - and improving all the time. He is also incredibly charming and so much better looking in person. A smile and a laugh to die for. His skin is amazing to look at, and to stroke, and just his whole presence is incredibly relaxing. I never felt rushed before, during or after sex.
It might not be true for every guy he meets, but he is very sensual with me. A great kisser, gives amazing head, delicious peachy butt, incredible intensity in his eyes, and fucking him is totally addictive. Some guys on here will say they are versatile but look like they hate it. Tales enjoys his work and loves sex, and it makes me happy and more relaxed if I can see that. So there are no downsides at all being with him. We had a lot of fun, taking our time, exploring each other and edging slowly to a mutual orgasm. It was an incredible finish for both of us.
Warning: he will get into your head and you'll want to repeat the experience. I can't wait to see him again.
Tales_BRAZ.. says: Thank you so much!
So kind of you S2
Hope see you soon xx